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Who Should Get Tummy Tuck Surgery in Dubai

Tummy tuck surgery is used to correct stubborn fat tissues and sagging skin structure that have not responded to diet and exercise. Excess skin and adipose tissue are removed during tummy tuck aesthetics (abdominoplasty), and the abdominal connective tissue is tightened with stitches to achieve a more taut, flat stomach. These procedures are generally preferred by people who have excess belly fat, sagging abdominal skin, or weak abdominal walls.

Loss of elasticity in the skin of the abdominal region, as well as the causes of excessive lubrication in this region, can be counted: excessive weight gain and loss, post-pregnancy, age-related deformations, body type, and some abdominal surgeries. No amount of diet or exercise can help these patients get rid of the abdominal deformation.

In addition to removing fat from the abdomen, the tummy tuck aesthetic can remove cracks in the area below the belly button and correct skin sagging that occurs here.

Abdominoplasty should be postponed until postpartum for patients who plan to have children, because the vertical muscles in the abdomen will be stretched in this surgery.

In addition, abdominal aesthetics; It should not be recommended to people with serious chronic diseases, smokers, diabetics, and patients who have had extensive tummy tuck before. Another important point is that tummy tuck surgery should be recommended to patients with a high body mass index after they reach their ideal weight. Otherwise, some sagging skin may remain.

Before making a decision about this operation, it is important to consult with your doctor and get information about which tummy tuck surgery will be performed, whether you meet the necessary conditions for the operation, the risk and the healing process.

It is a less invasive method known as procedural part or mini tummy tuck surgery. It is also a more suitable method for patients with partial fat deposits just below the navel, that is, in the lower part of the abdomen. Not relocating the belly button is one of the primary features of this surgery. The healing process is fast and this surgery can be done easily thanks to a small incision.

Since excess skin tissue will be removed in the tummy tuck procedure, your belly button will be relocated to a position where it will look natural. Compared to mini tummy tuck aesthetics, a large incision scar will be formed. These incision scars in the bikini area are permanent but will fade over time and take the appearance of a line. This operation can take between three and four hours. Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia.

In short, this surgery is generally preferred by people who have lost excess weight, those with sagging in the abdomen, those who want to remove the sagging in the abdomen after liposuction, people with weak abdominal wall and those with excess fat in the belly area.

In addition, Dubai is quite developed in terms of tummy tuck operations. You can have surgery with better opportunities, better post-op care and more affordable prices by specialist surgeons than other countries.

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