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The gastric sleeve
, also known as a vertical sleeve gastrectomy or sleeve surgery, is a operation that helps individuals lose weight and live a better lifestyle. Professionals praise it for assisting patients in losing 65 to 70 percent of their extra weight on average. The sleeve gastrectomy helps you feel satisfied for longer while eating less by restricting the amount of food your stomach can store. You control weight by eating less after surgery, and it will eventually allow you to lose weight properly and quickly.

The hormonal factor is the most significant change that occurs following a sleeve gastrectomy; it changes the levels of appetite-controlling hormones. For instance, following the removal of the gastric fundus, a substantial decrease in ghrelin levels, which are hunger hormones, is seen. Appetite is suppressed as a result of this. So in the end, you will lose weight efficently.

The procedure is also known as a sleeve gastrectomy. The surgeon removes about 80% of your stomach, leaving a banana-sized pouch behind. A minimally invasive laparoscope and small incisions are almost always used in the procedure.

The gastric sleeve surgery works in two ways. Firstly, it is a restrictive procedure, meaning that it achieves weight loss by restricting the amount of food that can be eaten at a meal due to the small size of the new stomach ‘sleeve’. It also works because it removes the part of the stomach that produces some of the hormones that stimulate appetite and hunger. The removal of these hormones usually results in a significant reduction or loss of appetite and a change in taste and food preferences away from fatty, sugary foods.

You eat less when your stomach is smaller. Calories and nutrients are absorbed at a lower rate. Gastric sleeve surgery is a simple procedure with a low risk of complications. Serious complications almost always occur within the first few days after surgery. So you can relax and enjoy your procedure.

Recovery after Gastric Sleeve Surgery;

You should be able to leave the hospital within 2-3 days of your surgery in most cases. As always, it’s important that you follow the doctors orders. Constipation is normal the first week post-operative. Your pain medications can increase constipation. As much as possible, go for a walk. This aids in the healing process and sets you on the path to incorporating exercise into your daily routine.

Do not lift anything that is too heavy. This can put undue pressure on your stitches and torso which will be sore.
You’ll need to ensure you are getting enough vitamins and minerals after gastric sleeve surgery.

Can it be stretched back?;

After gastric sleeve surgery, you can stretch your stomach. The inside of your stomach is lined with rugae. These are tissue folds that expand and contract in response to the amount of food you consume.

There are a few tips to reduce the risk of stretching your stomach;

  • Drink water an hour before and an hour after you eat.
  • Don’t drink carbonated beverages.
    Eat small, healthy snacks
  • Plan your meals.

Remember, you haven’t ruined your new stomach by overeating once. Get your life back on track as soon as possible.

Post-Operetaion Diet

A good post-gastric sleeve surgery diet is high in protein and low in carbohydrates, with a gradual transition from pureed to solid foods. Supplements such as vitamins and protein can also be included in the diet. These enable the body to perform at its best and help to prevent malnutrition and vitamin deficiency. Your doctor may also advise you to drink more water (at least two litres per day) and avoid high-calorie drinks.

Snacking should be limited, portion sizes should be modest, and food should be chewed thoroughly and slowly. This new way of eating may appear daunting at first, but most patients adjust to the new guidelines over time, and they become second nature to them.

Exercise is important;

Exercise can help you lose weight, increase your energy, and improve your mood. Following gastric sleeve surgery, exercise plans are designed to improve endurance, flexibility, and strength. It’s critical to ease into things right after surgery. For the first six weeks, go for slow walks and avoid anything too strenuous. Over the next few weeks, you’ll gradually work toward your personal fitness goals, progressing from light exercise to cardio and strength training. Daily exercise should become a part of your daily routine because it will help you lose weight and improve your overall health.

In the main;

Gastric sleeve surgery is a long journey. On average, it takes close to two years to reach your target weight.

-It takes a lifetime of changing unhealthy habits to keep the weight off. It is not a simple solution. It takes commitment, perseverance, and consistent effort (forever).
-The further you get from surgery, the less you’ll think of yourself as a sleeve patient and more as someone who chooses to be ‘healthy.’
–Remember gastric sleeve surgery is a tool. It helps you lose weight so you can implement the healthy changes that will forever change your life.

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